Eagle-Eye Cherry - Save Tonight

thank you
helen for perfect fifths
yau for the holga
hayley for an almond
gphong for the inspiration
zalo for season-appropriate headwear
aaron for being my bday buddy
sagar for the chocolate martini that destroyed my brain
sam, sabina, and roomies for initial cakes
dheepa and rachel for a smirnoff-brownie surprise
dinnercrew who paid for aaron&my italian dinner
to everyone who wished or called or texted or came last night

i've never had a better birthday :) despite the previous day's paper all-nighter and the following day's unparalleled hangover, everyone made this day an incredible end to an incredible semester... and now i'm going to stfu before i get really, REALLY sappy k

anyways, this is a pretty fawesome & appropriate song :)