Girl Talk - Bounce That

This is the epitome of anti-study music and I have something due online in 1 hour 16 minutes... :)

The Shins - New Slang

You gotta hear this one song. It'll change your life, I swear. - Sam, Garden State

This statement does not express the views of the poster. Not liable for life that refuses to change.

Heart - Magic Man

Was sitting in Copabanana when this song came over the speakers. I first heard it while watching The Virgin Suicides, which was one of my favorite movies in high school -- so damn emo now that I think of it. It still sits on my shelf, more for aesthetic reasons than anything, but I kind of want to see it again.

Natalie Portman's Shaved Head - Sophisticated Side Ponytail

Do not watch this if you're the slightest bit seizure-prone

M.I.A. - Jimmy

In indirect honor of Slumdog Millionaire, which at the Academy Awards last night won best picture, director, original score, original song, adapted screenplay, cinematography, film editing, and sound mixing. Okay, so all M.I.A. did was contribute a few songs to the soundtrack (not including Jimmy--it was Paper Planes and O... Saya, which was also nominated for an Oscar but lost against the film's other nominated song Jai Ho), but... I was just looking for an excuse to post this song.

Spirit fingers!

Yumeji's Theme (In The Mood For Love)

From Wong Kar-Wai's 2000 film In the Mood For Love, which has breathtaking cinematography, a haunting soundtrack, and unreasonably hot protagonists who unnervingly remind me of my hot grandparents, who were young and married in 1960s Taiwan.

It is a restless moment. She had kept her head lowered to give him a chance to come closer. But he could not, for lack of courage. She turns and walks away.

As Tall As Lions - Love, Love, Love (Love, Love)

Posted this before but I still adore it :/

Goldfrapp - Happiness

This is what I would do if I achieved happiness. And had spring-loaded knees.

MGMT - Time to Pretend

I'm so flipping frustrated that all of MGMT's music videos on Youtube have disabled embedding :( so here is a mild, un-trippy slideshow. The real version, like most MGMT vids, makes me feel like I'm doing some mad hallucinating; I bet this stuff could undo all the anti-drug work DARE and Truth have done for a person in a second. Its unconventionality (read: rampant freakiness) and high Message Sensation Value (seizure-inducing rainbow show) appeal so much to high sensation-seekers, aka the people who are most susceptible to regular substance abuse, that I'm sure it'd wipe out any trace of the anti-drug education they received in sixth grade (i.e. the DARE song: D, I won't do drugs! A, won't have an attitude! R, I... ooh, rainbows.)

Am writing a painfully low-sensation paper for my Comm&Persuasion class on anti-drug campaigns targeted toward adolescents, thus I must seek out electronic mental stimulation lest I fall asleep. Three pages to go...

Iron and Wine - My Lady's House

no hands are half as gentle
or firm as they like to be
thank god you see me the way you do
strange as you are to me

Peter Bjorn and John - Amsterdam

The song I put on repeat when I'm feeling the way I do now...

Somehow Swedish indie and baby plants from Planet Earth make it alllll better.

Does It Offend You, Yeah? - Dawn of the Dead

I may or may not have been sitting here waiting for midnight to strike so I could make this post. If I were cool enough to have the word "rad" in my vocabulary, I would use it to describe this song. Oh well. RAD RAD RAD :D

Iron and Wine - Boy With A Coin

The Darkness - I Believe in a Thing Called Love

I believe in a thing called looooooolololo-*heavy-metal-tongue-thrashing*-lolove!!

Karaoke and Radler at the Bowler. 2am & jamming out falsetto in an 18th-floor room. This song is as fabulous as the lead singer's sparkly spandex pants.

M83 - Kim and Jessie

Real music video

I really don't know what to make of this video (prepare yourself for a quintuple girl-on-girl crotch shot at 2:15), but I adore the song & can't stop listening to it :)

Praan - Gary Schyman (Where the Hell is Matt?)

I never thought I could be so moved by a guy doing a stupid jig... haha... this is damn amazing. Matt is this self-proclaimed "deadbeat" from Connecticut, yet he managed to travel to 42 countries in 14 months and get thousands of people, despite cultural and linguistic barriers, to do this simple thing we all understand--dance. Retardedly. Let go. And just smile. =)

Make sure to go to the actual YouTube page and click "watch in HD" below-left the video. It's so hi-res my inner geek is swooning.

The song is "Praan," by Gary Schyman. According to Matt its lyrics come from a Bengali poem written by Nobel Prize winning author Rabindranath Tagore.

The same stream of life
Runs through my veins night and day
Runs through the world
And dances in rhythmic measures.

I want to be him when I grow up! :[

Rufus Wainwright / Fiona Apple - Across The Universe

Words are flying out like
endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow waves of joy
are drifting thorough my open mind
Possessing and caressing me

Jai guru deva om
Nothing's gonna change my world

Nom nom nom

Anya Marina - Move You (Slow and Steady Seduction Phase II)

Number #3 most played song! Because I've been in Platt for the last 8 hours for ballroom doing show rehearsals and practicing and loitering and I generally don't like bmusic unless I'm dancing to it so you get this instead. Pardon the Private Practice video... the real mv on YouTube is a weird produced version I don't like as much :P

Btw was really disappointed by the 2-hour Grey's/PP thing last night... didn't even watch the second half...

Daniel Powter - Am I Still The One

Didn't know DPouter was this intense, maybe this was the cause of his bad day? Cause of my bad day: went sleepless last night so I could spend time getting intimate with Gaussian surfaces but failed the quiz anyway (it was one of those exams with q's that built upon the other and I got the first one wrong :D) ; spent the rest of day being scary and zombified. Reasons to still be happy: it's the weekend and I am watching The Office on Hulu. I got a haircut for 16 bucks and now it's uber short and Rihanna-esque. I tried on neon tribal clothes from the clearance racks of Urban Outfitters all afternoon for a cheap laugh. I exercised my parentless freedom by eating oatmeal for breakfast, European drinking chocolate for lunch (it's like a cup of hot Hershey's syrup), free & guacamole-smothered hors d'oeuvres from an animation seminar for dinner, and Chocolate Turtle Chex Mix for supper.

And, um, idk what's up with the extinction video... it's appropriately emo I guess, but not exactly the first thing I'd think of hahah

The Bird and the Bee - Polite Dance Song

I've never before seen a near-riot over the destruction of a 7-foot snow bunny...

Slightly disturbing if you don't like seeing elderly people backing their thangs up.

Chester French - She Loves Everybody

All I know about Chester French: (1) They were formed by Harvard students, (2) band member Max Drummey married the 19-year-old Peaches Gedolf in Vegas last year, and (3) Pharrell Williams is obsessed with them. Now I am going to repent for my poor academic behavior. How I managed to sleep through an entire 90-minute physics lecture after gulping a tall coffee... I still don't understand.

Blue - All Rise

I was going to post some pretentious hipster music but then I got all nostalgic about travelling and non-skeezy male artists and had to put this up. Because we all need some Boy Band in our life sometimes yeah? It was a tough choice between this and One Love but I felt that this one ultimately trumped OL in lametardedness. <3

Hahah. I cannot believe this was cool once. But it's damn catchy... I feel like dancing in a synchronized formation now.

Oren Lavie - Her Morning Elegance

Another amazingly creative video... I love the part with the scarf, and when she falls into the water.... that's some sweet stop-motion. And the song's not bad either :)

She fights for her life
As she puts on her coat
And she fights for her life on the train
She looks at the rain as it pours
And she fights for her life
As she goes in a store
With a thought she has caught by a thread
She pays for the bread
And she goes...
Nobody knows