Daniel Powter - Am I Still The One

Didn't know DPouter was this intense, maybe this was the cause of his bad day? Cause of my bad day: went sleepless last night so I could spend time getting intimate with Gaussian surfaces but failed the quiz anyway (it was one of those exams with q's that built upon the other and I got the first one wrong :D) ; spent the rest of day being scary and zombified. Reasons to still be happy: it's the weekend and I am watching The Office on Hulu. I got a haircut for 16 bucks and now it's uber short and Rihanna-esque. I tried on neon tribal clothes from the clearance racks of Urban Outfitters all afternoon for a cheap laugh. I exercised my parentless freedom by eating oatmeal for breakfast, European drinking chocolate for lunch (it's like a cup of hot Hershey's syrup), free & guacamole-smothered hors d'oeuvres from an animation seminar for dinner, and Chocolate Turtle Chex Mix for supper.

And, um, idk what's up with the extinction video... it's appropriately emo I guess, but not exactly the first thing I'd think of hahah


Tory | 2/9/09, 1:36 AM

aw. i <3 you. can we go to urban outfitters sometime? haha

Michelle | 2/10/09, 1:49 PM

hahah yes please. i feel like such a poser when i go there alone :D